Gordon Clay
November 8, 2012
Title: Voter Suppression

Gordon Clay here. I learned on Tuesday that no matter how many obstacles or threats the controlling party and their donors did to discourage Florida's minorities from voting, the voters were determined to vote and did. It was looking worse than Egypt or a third-world county there for a while and really showed the true color of the TEA Party in Florida.

I was so pleased to see the Brawny Brothers (the Koch brothers to you) and Karl Rove's extreme Super PACs waste billions of dollars trying to install their people into the government. But it didn't work in most cases.

Let's dispose of the Electoral College which gets rid of "swing states" and Super Delegates and do something our founding fathers didn't want. For everyone to vote. The disabled, those in hospitals, nursing homes, prison, college students away from home and the homeless, themselves. Allow everyone to have a say in our system.

Let's make it easy to vote like early voting via the Internet or ballot by mail, which Representative Wayne Krieger wants to do away with.

It would make voting more convenient for everyone.

It would save cities, counties and states millions by eliminating polling places, voting booths and machines that can be hacked.

It would increase the nation's productivity, especially for hourly workers and people who travel for a living or live in rural areas far from a polling place.

It would increase the profitability of the Post Office and natural disasters would have less of an impact. Everyone wins except crooked politicians.

Let's at least make an attempt to regain our image as the leader of the "Free" world. Learn more at TheCitizensWhoCare.org/vote.html