Gordon Clay here. The Grand Oposition Party, better known as the GOP, rails against government spending for the least privileged as they tried to block programs for small business and the extension of unemployment benefits for those looking for work while they propose to lavish a $2.3 trillion stimulus package in continued tax cuts favoring the most privileged.

The GOP sets these things up to make it look like a tax increase when it's really just a previosuly agreed to return to the original tax rate. This was a reduction obstensily designed as temporary relief to move the economy forward because all those small businesses were going to use it to hire people which never happened and never really does.

Instead the windfall was pocketed by small buniess owners while tax rates are low and larger corporations used it to increased dividend payments to stock holders or contributed millions to political campaigns to undermine the economy's turn-around. It didn't go to hire workers.

We can't continue to add to their personal wealth. In the last 25 years, the top 5% of American families saw their real incomes increase 81% and the lowest 20% saw their real incomes decline 1%. They weren't the ones laid off. And they weren't the ones who had to deal with home forclosures.

Don't be fooled. The GOP isn't looking out for you if you clear under $200,000 a year.

A vote for the GOP is a vote for No-Progress and continued gridlock in Congress as well as a return to Bush era economic policies that got us in the mess in the first place. That's something they really hope you forget.