Gordon Clay here. This is my 100th Show on Voices and I wanted to take this opportunity to share some of my pet peeves with you that wouldn't normally take up a full show on their own.

My biggest gripe is people who jack up their trucks and don't adjust their headlights so even on low beams are shinning right in my eyes.

Those people who say "There's nothing to do in Brookings." I do wish the theater groups would schedule their performances on different weekends, but I also go to the high-school plays and find them better than anything else in Brookings, though there aren't many people there except friends and family of the performers. Where are all the silver-hairs?

Check the Bulletin Board, Art Scene and sports schedules. Start your Thursday's off by getting up early and attending Toastmasters. Learn how to have a conversation without saying "You know", "um", or "so" in every sentence. Go for a walk on the beach - barefoot. There's plenty to do, but you have to get off your butt first.

People who chew with their mouth open. Keep America beautiful and chew with your mouth closed.

The TEA Party who says they want smaller government and less taxes yet don't dare present any specifics on how to accomplish that, while not saying a word about begging for funds from the Feds to keep this county from going broke.

And my latest pet peeve is the new Brookings sign north of town. While it represents what Curry County might look like in 10 years - one lone tree, and a couple of sea gulls - it does have a beautiful sunset. The rest is a big, gray fog. Would it be too much to ask to add at least a little blue to show that we can see the ocean every now and then.

And finally, a bathtub that starts draining as soon as I get in it.

Find scripts for my first 100 shows at TheCitizensWhoCare.org. http://bit.ly/peCNF8 Thanks for listening!
