Gordon Clay here. I've got a quiz for you. True or False: Which of the following phrases are found in the U.S. Constitution?

A. “Of the people, by the people, for the people.”
B. “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
C. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal"
D. Is "God" or "Creator" mentioned?

Learn even more. September 17 is Constitution and Citizenship Day, a day when federal law dictates that all schools that receive federal funds must hold an educational program for their students about the U.S. Constitution. Because it falls on a Saturday, this instruction must take place during the week before or after the 17th.

This is a chance to take back the Constitution from the previous teachings of the John Birch Society - that Democracy is bad - and from the TEA Party's anti-historical teachings.

So, when your child comes home from school, ask them what they learned about the Constitution.

By the way, none of those phrases are in the U.S. Constitution. A. came from Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, B. and C. are from the Declaration of Independence. And there are forty-four hundred words in the Constitution and “God” or "Creator" are not one of them. Nor in any of the Amendments. Nor is Jesus., white, black, railroads, slavery, banks, women, free markets, privacy, health care or wiretapping.

"Constitutional conservatives say, "Read the Constitution." I agree. But, don't just read it. Learn its context to the times in which it was written and its historical significance compared to the current millennia in which we live.

Learn more at http://bit.ly/nSjiMQ