Gordon Clay
September 13, 2012
Title: Voter Suppression

Gordon Clay here. One person, one vote? Not in these United States. Instead of increasing access to voting and providing safeguards to ensure every person has their vote counted, we are well on the way to repeating history.

I totally get why Karl Rove and his ilk don't want anyone making less than $250,000 to vote. Keep the poor, the elderly, people of color, women and especially that 98%, who James Madison would have called the "mischiefs of fration", out of the presidential election process - something our Fore Father's actually did, excluding women and African American's from voting and by creating the Electoral College circumventing the national popular vote to elect a President. We never have had one person, one vote.

Add to this attempts to block the freedom of over 5,000,000 voters, by setting up obstacles, like voter IDs, to make it almost impossible to register to vote, much less vote. Or Wayne Krieger's idea for Oregon when he cosponsored HB 3506 last year in conjunction with Americans for Prosperity - can you say the Koch Brothers - to end our practice of voting by mail.

What if we actually followed the Constitution and for states like Florida that are trying to deny people the right to vote, we reduce that state's representation in the House (see section 2 of the14th amendment)

They've tried robo calls, saying something like "Because of higher than expect voter turnouts, Republicans will vote on Tuesday, Democrats on Wednesday" or a call at 2 am encouraging you to vote for a Democratic candidate. They aren't Democrats calling, but you get the idea. Sort of like Chicken Man.

Find out much much more at TheCitizensWhoCare.org/vote.html