Gordon Clay here. Does Curry County's 9-1-1 service offer a false sense of security, even if you live inside the city limits of Brookings, Gold Beach or Port Orford. I understand that a call was made to the Gold Beach Police Department about a robbery taking place at the Thrift Shop across from the jail. It happened during the period when there were no police on duty and nothing happened.

How would you have liked being the person making one of these 9-1-1 calls?

June 12

At 7:27 p.m. in Harbor there is a report of an intoxicated female driver leaving her business. The lone deputy on duty is out of position to the north and there is no response.

June 13

At 8 p.m. a suspicious person is at the caller's home in Harbor and is acting bizarre. Lone deputy on duty arrives one hour later.

June 14

At 8:31pm call of minors in possession of alcohol and drugs (MIP party). A deputy arrives 40 minutes later.

June 15

4:30am a Brookings area woman reports that someone is trying to break into her home. A deputy arrives 30 minutes later.

By protocol the off-duty deputies are only called out from their homes if there is a high priority call where someone is in danger.

This is not an indictment of the Sheriff's Department. It's an indictment of the citizens of Curry County for not providing enough money to adequately staff the department. Local police handle things in their cities but often aren't authorized outside city limits. Some Curry County cities don't have a deputy on 24/7. And the crooks know exactly when those times are.

Don't blame it on the federal government and lack of bailout funds from an agreement made over 30 years ago in an effort to keep the second lowest property tax in the state.

Isn't it better to be safe than sorry?