Food for thought - Buy local

Gordon Clay here. There is a large segment of Congress that wants to be sure you don't know the chemicals that are used to create, grow and extend the shelf-life of food from the industrialization of food production that was supposed to "feed the world", be cheaper, produce more jobs and be better for our bodies. This same group is intent to keeping you from knowing which products are natural and organic and which are Genetically Engineered. Because there is a lot of money involved in controlling the marketing of food and the fewer consumer safeguards they have to follow, the more money they can make. They are basically using human beings as ginny pigs. And the negative results have taken years to surface. But the truth is, they aren't feeding the world, they haven't produced more jobs, it isn't cheaper, and it surely isn't better for our physical health.

What it has lead us to is food contamination, environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources, and morbid obesity.

If you think eating healthy is more expensive, according to a new report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service that ranked over 4,000 foods by price on calories, weight and portion size, organic isn't necessarily more expensive.

Next Friday, June 1, we will be showing the documentary Fresh: New thinking about what we're eating starting promptly at 6pm at the Chetco Library followed by a discussion on the value to the community to buy local and the value (physically and economically) to buy organic, non GMO food products. A handout will be available listing local organic and raw food producers and outlets in Curry and Del Norte Counties. Join us, won't you?