Gordon Clay here. Today is May Day, a day half-way between the solstice and equinox. It has also been dubbed the International Workers' Day and is a commemoration of the execution of the men who were arrested after the Haymarket Riot of 1886 in Chicago. And finally May Day is the start of Yellow Ribbon Month designed to bring awareness to the problem of suicide.

In the City of Brookings, we have had 13 suicide attempts and 2 suicides since the first of the year. And, while I don't have the statistics for age or sex, national statistics shows that girls attempt suicide more than boys 3:1.

Boys succeed in suicide more than girls. In the age group 10-14 it's 3:1. the age group 15-19 is 5:1 and the age group 20-24 is 7:1.

Furthermore, a Department of Health study indicates that gay youth are up to six times more likely to attempt suicide than straight teens, and gay teenagers account for up to 30 percent of all teenage suicides in the nation.

While only 3,000 children and young adults take their lives each year, more that 600,000 young people require medical attention for a suicide attempt.

Studies show that 4 out of 5 teen suicide attempts have been preceded by clear warning signs. Check out our web site at TheCitizensWhoCare.org to make sure you know what to watch for. And if you're feeling suicidal, needing help is not a failing...it is simply being human. It is OK to ask for Help!! So, call The Crisis line at 1-800-SUICIDE That's 1-800-784-2433)