Gordon Clay here. Last year, it was reported that 14.6% of the BHHS juniors seriously considered attempting suicide? 6.3% actually attempted suicide (twice the rate of juniors statewide), and 4.3% or 80% of those attempting suicide, resulted in an injury, poisoning or overdose that had to be treated by a doctor or nurse, compared to .9% statewide. In that same survey, 2% of all BHHS juniors missed from 1 to 6 days of school in the 30 days preceding the survey because they felt they would be unsafe at school or on their way to or from school.

Hopefully, all of these children are still with us in today's senior class at BHHS. But, what is the school system doing to stop bullies in their tracks? How many children do we have to lose to the unnecessary act of suicide before we get serious. When are we, as a county, going to wake up that the defunding of the counties health care system has reduced or eliminated most mental health services?

At the First Friday Salon on May 4th, TheCitizensWhoCare.org will be presenting two films at the Chetco Library on the issue of Bullying and Cyberbullying, one for adults and a separate one for students. Each starts promptly at 6pm and each will be followed by an open discussion on the topic.

Anyone who is concerned for the safety of our children while in the care of our schools, please join us. Then, come to the May 16th School Board meeting where we have been assured bullying will be on the agenda. Let the school board know your thinking on bullying within Azalea, K-School and BHHS. Let's not have any of our children be too afraid to get an education in Brookings. Join us, won't you?