Gordon Clay here. We're in the middle of Alcohol Awareness Month.

The abuse of alcohol is not only a problem with adults. 36% of Curry County 8th graders and 45% of 11th graders used alcohol in the past month.

Research shows that 45 percent of the people who began drinking before age 14 developed later alcohol dependence, compared with only 10% of those who waited until they were 21. More than one of every 20 youth ages 12 to 17 suffer from alcohol abuse or dependence requiring treatment.

One of every four 11th graders and one of every seven 8th graders binge drink on one or more days each month. 8th grade girls have higher rates of alcohol use and binge drinking than boys and nearly a quarter of them report attempting suicide in the past year. Furthermore, one of every twelve 11th grade youth report driving after drinking.

This year 65 Brooking seniors wrote an essay about the impact alcohol has had on their lives or the people around them. 25 of these essays were selected to be printed in a booklet with each author receiving a gift certificate from Fred Meyer. The nine best essays will be published in an issue of The Pilot this month as well as receiving a gift certificatre from Wild River Pizza. The grand prize winner will receive a $100 check from TheCitizensWhoCare.org which has all 25 essays on its web site. Booklets of the past two contests are available at Words & Pictures with this group of essays due in early May. Get one and read about the issue of alcohol through the eyes of our students.

And to parents, it's up to you. Start talking before they start drinking.