Gordon Clay here. April is Alcohol Awareness Month. Here are some things you might not realize. A study of Curry County showed that 35% of eighth graders used alcohol and 28% of eleventh graders were binge drinkers, both rates higher than the state average.

Why this is of concern is that an adolescent's brain and central nervous system are not yet fully developed and are especially sensitive to alcohol.

Research shows that 45% of those who began drinking before age 14 developed later alcohol dependence, compared with only 10% of those who waited until they were at least 21.

Adolescent drinkers perform worse in school and have an increased risk of social problems, depression, suicidal thoughts and violence.

Realize that many Brookings students already have a problem with alcohol. On average, more than one of every 20 youth ages 12-17 suffer from alcohol abuse or dependence requiring treatment. In-patient treatment is non-existant in our county. And, less than 15% of students suffering from alcohol abuse or dependence requiring treatment are currently being treated.

If you think you might need help, contact Curry County Human Services at 469-3007 for an evalution. That's 469-3007.

Underage drinking is getting out of hand. What can you do?

If you're a parent, begin talking when your children are very young so that difficult subjects will be easier to handle as they get older.

Take advantage of everyday talk opportunities rather than wait for an incident to prompt a conversation.

And, take time and listen to their ideas and problems.

Whether you realize it or not, you are a role model. Be a good one.