Gordon Clay here wishing you a Happy New Year for today is the celebartion of the Chinese New Year and the year of the Rat. People born in the Year of the Rat (bascially every 12 years starting in 1900 to 2008) are noted for their charm and attraction for the other sex. They work hard to achieve their goals, are likely to be perfectionists, easily angered and love to gossip.

Next Thursday is Valentines-Day, the day that you are "expected" to do something romantic on that one day of the year, like that will make-up for doing nothing on most of the other 364 days. Why not do what isn't expected?

One of the things a great little book called Romantic Mischief talks about is "Instead of actually being romantic on Valentine's Day, why don't you use the day as a chance to rededicate yourself to the ideals of love? Resolve to be more considerate, to listen better, to stop making excuses and to give more of your time.

If you must do the expect and be "romantic" on Valentine's day, here are some other suggestions:

"Send a dozen roses. Make sure there are eleven red roses and one white rose. And write a note: "'In every bunch there's one who stands out. And you're that one."

"Buy piles of those little candy conversation hearts and fill your lover's purse or briefcase. Or, fill their favorite cereal box with them."

Or, if you know your lover's heritage, learn how to say "I love you" in their ancestral language.

So, here's to doing the unexpected. Imagine how your life might be different if, everyday, romance was part of it.