April 20, 2016 Regular School Board Meeting involving Mr. Michael Freels curious participation

I don't know where Mr. Freels got his information because the only board meetings he has attended this school year are February 17, 2016 an d April 20, 2016.and I have provided the transcripts of my comments from those two meetings, and there is no "maligning of students" in them and, in fact, I don't believe I have ever maligned students. I prased them for 8 years with the Through My Eyes essay contests. I publically praised their drama performances saying that every one of their plays out-performed any local summer-stock kinds of performances that I've seen, which are many.

Note: I believe Michael Freels was possibly brought in to speak since he seemed to have been primed (comments about emails, attacking teachers to deflect from holding district, board and admin accountable) that he wouldn't have gotten from attending the only other board meeting he has attended. And interesting sidebar is that as I was approaching the building before the board meeting I heard someone fast approach behind me. I opened the door and held it. It was Mr. Freels. The interesting point is that he didn't say "Thank-you." I didn't say "You're welcome" because that feels condesending to me..

"Good evening everybody. I'm Michael Freels from Brookings, Oregon. (chuckle) Brookings, Oregon. I like that. It's ah I apologize. I just came from a band practice so I trust me I was working, okay. Uh. I'm also here because uh you know it's interesting. I'll be going about my business and all of a sudden I'll just think high school or somewhere and I'll cruise by here, I'll actually park my truck, and I'll walk in and I'll check in at the office with Tina and Molly and then I'll see if I can find somebody to see what I can do to help or whatever. But, um, I'm going to share something with you guys. If my kids were here, I'm in the the community for a long time and I have kids here And um This is not bragging I was just saying I've been on site counsel meetings, I ran for school board, I gave a commencement speech two years ago, and so I have a lot of history here. I have I'm getting goose-bumps because I like you guys and I like you kids. Okay and it's about being positive. And when the building was first built I can't remember but it was somewhere here I did an experiment and I held the door open for the 6th grade kids I think it was or and anyway one out of 20 would say thank-you. Just one. And I'd sit there and say Thank-you. Thank-you you're welcome, thank-you, you're welcome and they picked up on it because now I go to the high school, and I was here last week and I stood there and held the door open and not only did these kids say thank-you but they made eye contact they made eye contact. It's like you've got to be kidding me. Thank you. (laughter) Okay. And so it's it's interesting that I too come from uh uh background with with coaching and everything. You guys do an amazing job and I'm getting tired of hearing about the bullying. I really am. Okay. It's It's it's getting old, it's its driving this whole thing We don't need it anymore. What we need to do is we need to get a positive, response __________________ and the thing that we need to do -- I was raised around a Japanese culture. I'll never forget when I had kids this Japanese guy calls me up and goes "Michael do you mind if I tell you how to raise kids?" And I'm like, No. (laughter) Okay. And he goes "Don't ever tell your kids no." I'm like, what do you mean don't tell my kid no. "Don't ever say no. They stick their finger in the socket "Don't tell them no. They do this. Don't tell them no." What do I do? He goes "Ah Japanese culture you explain to them what happens so don't stick your finger in the socket because it might get electrocuted. Okay. (laughter) The electricity is going to bully you. Okay. So so the point are is You guys get it. I know you get it. And and everybody in here has a tough job as it is. Okay. We all have a tough job. This world isn't easy anymore. It's a crazy world. I should know. I'm part of it. Okay. And everybody here has a family life and a work life, and and hopefully an extra curricular life where we can enjoy ourselves. And we need to stay positive. Positive. Okay And and and what happens It pulls it up. And a couple of situations that happen, and we're not going to deny they do, even though I don't hear about them, um, some of this stuff to read, facts and figures and blah blah the Hillsboro and this and that it's not making sense to me in Brookings Harbor. It's just not. (Obviously or you might be more concerned with the students that are back in the corner or not going to lunch because they are afraid) And so I would like to continue these board meetings I'd just like from every single time I will preach positive, I get the pleasure of walking out and seeing Mr. Kleespie here. I mean I know these kids. These kids are amazing kids. And if we come up to them and we berate them all the time. You're doing this, your doing that. (I've invested several thousand dollars in this system. On OSSCC, This is the Edge.org, web site so students can get a sectarian answer to questions about sex, abstinence, tolerance, diversity, gender identification) Though Your Eyes essay contest (8 years), Bully programs. Wrist bands. Toastmasters training Azalea students. Help parents on how to talk to their kids about tough issues...before someone else does. The turning point was June 13, 2013 when the school board turned it's back on JV and high school girl's basketball players.) Blah blah blah and it ain't going to make no sense Okay. So lets maintain a positive attitude, let's take care of the tihngs that I'm sure you guys don't want to be beseaged with all these emails all this stuff, this extra curricular junk that you don't need to do in a day and time because someone wants to constantly talk about something that's been run into the ground. It's over now. We don't need to talk about it anymore. We can change gears let's get on a positive note I mean that Gordi. Please Okay. The school is an amazing I once got kids here or not. We all did. I'm still involved with this school because my kids are gone. They're in college right now. But I like this place. I like the environment and my job as the community person living here is to make sure that I help raise the community. So I'm here to do it in a positive fashion not in a negative fashion. That's the way I'm going to do it. Okay. I thank the board very very much for allowing me to speak tonight. And I'm happy to come any other time. So Have a good night everybody.)

(Who are you working with or planning to work with to help the large percentage of kids who say they have been suicidal, who say they get bullied, who say they have been threatened with a weapon on campus? What plans do you have directly for them to make them feel safe? A psychotherapist in the district will help. Our school district is in the most dangerous county in the state, according to our students.)

See Mr. Freels Febrauary 17, 2016 transcript.