SB-1555 + chart [+___+]

Protected class

October 2015 up-date policies: JFCF, KL

June 2015 up-date policies

Healthy Teen Survey - understanding - book

Confidential - %, 10 or fewer get an *. Discipline is 5 or under

Confidential survey of bullied students on what has worked that improved their safety and what didn't (GLSEN survey - gave a copy)

Engaging students in learning - bordom

Statewide sumnative accessment leter - opt out - number

Are those tests used to determine Valadictorian, Class ranking, scholarships, Other

Volunteer/chaperoine Handbook

Criminal-it's the law, DUI revealed


Alarm button - sceraming Dos - IICA-AR(2)

BHSD Student enrollment chart

Where $ data from - show my chart

Lobby for at least one or counseloir at k-SCHOOL (show list form web)

Enrollment - $7M, my chart PER PUPIL FUNDING

Safe schools from the web - What other districts do - bullying

Zero tolerance

Glesen - book, lesson age appropriate lesson plans, loudspeaker announcments, etc.

Parental involvement plan - other county schools - on web

Thought exchange

Last time athletes and activity club members were randomly drug tested?

Million dollar athletic field grant - utilized or lost

Knowledge bowl - Buell on having a tournament in Brookings. Used to have evernts in Brookings.

Goals - community part of the process


Books vs Kindel devices