Rachel Maddow Show


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Maddow Examines Cindy Jacobs's Claim That "The Land Is Starting To Rejoice" In Texas 5:32 9/23/11

Meet The Latest Crazy Republican Senatorial Candidate, Sharron Angle - 6:54 6/9/10

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III's Ugly Past - 7:18 5/4/09

Insani-Tea: Conservatives Rally Around "Teabagging" - 6:58 4/9/09

Michael Isikoff on the Destroyed CIA Interrogation Tapes - 6:36 3/2/09

Apocalypse Now? - 8:36 2/28/09

Rachel Maddow has had enough. Have you? - 5:01 2/19/09

Rachel Maddow slams crazy Republicans - 10:31 2/12/09

Related: The Young Turks Show

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