The GOP has done a wonderful job since they lost the Presidency, the House and the Senate. A wonderful job, that is, in trying to get us to forget the job the last administration did. Similar to but different tactics from the White Water Papers that was a major distraction during the Clinton years.

The GOP and their fellow T.E.A. Party activists would like to see us turn back the clock a couple of years so they can continue their lies and deceit putting more money in the pockets of the wealthiest class.

They do know how to drive and they proved it by driving our country, our educational system, and our economic system to the dump.

It takes a lot longer to repair a broken system than it takes to break it, and it took 8 years to get our country to the lowest point since the depression. We need a progressive congress to continue the repair work, rather than the repressive congress known as The Party of "No" which has been blocking progress at every turn making it considerably more difficult to repair the damaged system.

Let me remind you of just a few of the things that GWB did during the first few years when he had control over both houses and was trying to gain control over the Judicial branch as well.:



Becomes the 44th President of the United States

First day in office: orders nine new worker protection rules postponed


Names fellow oilman Dick Cheney head of new energy task force.

Appoints John Hegroponte, former organizer of Nicaraguan death squads, as United States ambassador to the UN


Unveils draconian budget and huge (and hugely regressive) tax cuts. An aide reveals Bush spent five hours working on the budget

Announces that he will break his campaign promise to seek regulation of carbon dioxide. Adds that he isn't convinced global warming is real.


US withdraws from the Kyoto Protocol on global climate change. Bush: "We will not do anything that harms our economy, because first things first are the people who live in America."

Proposes dropping random salmonella tests for ground beef in school lunches; the idea is withdrawn after public protest.


Displays ignorance of basic US strategic policy and a reckless disregard of diplomacy, asserting that the US would do "whatever it took" to defend Taiwan if China attacked this island. Bring 'em on.


Admits the budget surplus might disappear.

Says his tax cut is the best way to deal with high energy costs

Opposes international plan to encourage nonpolluting energy.

42% of his 189 appointments to federal office served in Daddy's administration.


Gives speech to National Urban League: "An equal society begins with an equally excellent schools."

Taxes month-long vacation on environmentally correct pseudo-ranch in Crawford, TX

Announces human stem-cell research policy that seems to allow the research but effectively bans it.

Gives the military its biggest budget increase since Reagan.

Notes that the disappearance of the $1.2 trillion budget surplus is "incredibly position news" because it will force the government to resist overspending.

Announces plan to withdraw from the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty.

Receives warnings that Osama bin Laden plans to hijack airplanes in the US


Planes hijacked by bin Laden's followers crash into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Bush disappears for most of the day.

Days after the terrorist attacks, Bush's administration begins formulating plans to use them as a pretext to invade Iraq.


Congress passes the Orwellian USA Patriot Act. Bush notes that the law will prevent "more atrocities in the hands of the evil ones."

The Bush administration announces that it won't veto destructive mining projects on public land.

415,000 people lose their jobs. Fortunately, most of them are not Republicans and did not contribute to GWB's presidential campaign.


Signs a legally dubious executive order blocking the public from seeing 68,000 pages of Ronald Reagan's presidential papers. This action reduces the risk of revelations that could hurt Daddy and his friends, including current Administration officials.

The Miami Herald finds that Al Gore probably received more votes in Florida than George Bush.

Signs executive order allowing the government to try terrorism suspects by military tribunal


Helps kill an international agreement to limit tobacco advertising.

Enron - poster company for corporate corruption, which has contributed more to Bush's campaigns than any other entity - files for bankruptcy. Thousands of employees lose their retirement savings.



Faints after choking on a [pretzel; while;e watching football.;;

Despite mounting budget deficits, pursues another massive tax cut for the wealthy and goes after $48 billion more for the military.


GWB's first State of the Union address: labels Iran, Iraq and North Korea an "axis of evil." (An interested diplomatic tact.)


A Texas organizations reveals that 43 Bush "Pioneers" (donors of $100,000 or more) have received ambassadorships and other government appointments.

Professed free-marketer GWB places illegal tariffs on imported steel to score political points

Signals Stevie Wonder by smiling and waving.


Senate kills Bush's plan to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration,


Makes conversation with Brasil's President: "Do you have blacks too?"

Announces "doctrine" stating that the US reserves the right to attack any country for more or less any reason.


Asks Congress to raise federal debt ceiling before the government runs out of money.


Takes another month-long vacation at his environmentally correct but incredibly barren and hot - in short, hell-like - ranch in Crawford, Texas

Announces "Healthy Forests" initiative - to allow more logging in national forests.


Asserts that Saddam Hussein could be six months away from developing nuclear weapons. Cites two two reports as evidence. The reports are based on information from 1998 or earlier.


The International Atomic Energy Agency disputes Bush's statement that Iraq could develop a nuclear bomb within six months.

Refers to Saddam as "a guy that tried to kill my dad at one time."

Asserts that Saddam could attack the US "on any given day." Makes the following assertion without blushing: "Neither the United States of America nor the world community of nations can tolerate deliberate deception and offensive threats on the part of any nation, large or small."


UN weapons inspectors begin the process of dinging no Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

GWB names celebrated statesman and alleged war criminal Henry Kissinger to lead a commission to investigate the September 11 attacks.

Chooses convicted Iran-Contra conspirator Eliot Abrams to direct Middle Eastern affairs at the White House.

Cancels federal reporting of mass layoffs - on Christmas eve.



Claims in the State of the Union address that Iraq recently has sought to buy uranium in Africa.


UN weapons inspectors complain that intelligence tips from the US are "garbage after garbage after garbage."


The House of Representatives strips the word "French" from its cafeteria menus.

Orders invasion of Iraq. Gives up sweets.


Signs an executive order to keep more government documents secret.


Signs a proclamation making May 1 "Loyalty Day."

Lands on an aircraft carrier wearing a military jumpsuit with "Commander in Chief" written on the back and stands under a banner reading "Mission Accomplished" to declare that major combat operation sin Iraq are over.

Signs a bill allowing the government to borrow unprecedented sums, then signs a new tax cut that could save Dick Cheney $100,000.


Lies to Polish journalists: "We found the weapons of mass destruction."


"Bring 'em on": Invites Iraqi dissidents to attack US soldiers.

Projected government decides a record $455 billion.

US job losses hit their worst level since the Great Depression

Opposes a ban on the use of methyl bromide, the most ozone-destructive chemical still used in the industrial world. Experts estimate the ban would prevent two million cancer cases in the US and Europe alone.

Resumes to declassify 28 pages of Congress's report on September 11. The pages pertain to Saudi Arabia, where the Bush family has important business connections.


Announces opposition to same-sex unions.

The number of US troops killed since Bush declared victory on the USS Abraham Lincoln exceeds the number killed during the war. Bush avoids soldiers' funerals, in order not to be associated politically with the deaths he has caused.

Issues a new rule that lets power plants and other polluters avoid installing pollution-control technology.


Calls for $87 billion more for the Iraq occupation, a figure widely expected to push the deficit over $600 billion.

GWB admits there was no evidence that Saddam had any involvement in the September 11 attacks, contradicting his own repeated insinuations to the contrary.

Falls off a Segway scooter.

The Justice Department begins investigating whether the Bush White House leaked the name of undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame to punish her husband - administration critic and former ambassador Joseph Wilson.


Head CIA weapons inspector David Kay issues a report saying the inspectors have found no unconventional weapons. Bush claims that the report justifies the invasion.

Nobel Prize-winning economist George Akerlof describes the Bush budget as "a form of looting."

The independent commission investigating the September 11 attacks threatens to subpoena White House documents after Bush and company refuse to turn them over.

Despite Bush's statements to the contrary, Press Secretary Scott McClellan admits that the White House produced the "Mission Accomplished" banner that hung on the USS Abraham Lincoln


Signs a bill outlawing a rare abortion procedure called "intact dilation and extraction"- a step toward outlawing abortion altogether.

Travels to Great Britain with an entourage of 650 people, including five personal chefs.

Brother Neal Bush admits that while in Thailand he accepted the sexual favors of strange women who knocked on his door; says he doesn't know whether they were prostitutes.

Visits troops in Iraq; poses for photographs holding a picture-perfect roast turkey. Pretends to serve American soldiers, who actually eat turkey from nearby steam trays.


Repeals illegal tariffs on imported steel.

Signs Medicare prescription-drug bill to boost drug-company profits over protests from senior citizens.

Announces plans to let companies buy and sell rights to release mercury into the environment. Ignores the EPA decision that doing so would violate the Clean Air Act.

Claims there's no difference between weapons of mass destruction and weapons programs.

A federal judge says Bush's overturning the Clinton's ban on snowmobiles in Yellowstone was "politically driven."



God tells Pat Robertson that Bush will be reelected.

Former Bush Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill releases a book, called "The Price of Loyalty. He describes Bush during Cabinet meetings as "a blind man in a room full of deaf people," and reports that Bush during the first weeks of his presidency begin looking for reasons to invade Iraq.

Announces plans to build a space station on the moon and send astronauts to Mars - a plan that could mean big profits for the likes of Halliburton, Lockheed Martin and Boeing. Promises to invest $750 million during each of the next five years - but experts say the amount is ridiculously small given the task. NASA decides to stop maintenance on the Hubble Space Telescoppe - its most scientifically valuable asset-in order to make room for the new initiatives.

The Mars idea doesn't poll well; Bush ignores it in his State of the Union address. He claims inspectors have found "weapons of mass destruction-related program activities," whatever that means.

Worried that trouble in Iraq could hurt Bush's reelection campaign, his Administration asks the UN for help with Iraq's elections.


Interviewed by Tim Russet" Asserts "good momentum" on jobs, offers more fuzzy deficit math, and waffles on his shaky National Guard record.

And the list goes on...and on...and on.

Fast forward to November, 2010: Do you want to go back in time to this kind of leadership? And especially if you clear less than $107,000 a year. I don't.

Source: Nate Hardcastle
