Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:00 a.m. Commissioners Agenda Continuation Special Meeting Audio at 5:50-10:00 - Approved Resolution Proclaiming September 19-25, 2011 as Prostate Cancer Awareness Week www.co.curry.or.us/commissioners/audio/091311SPM.wma

Friday, September 9, 2011 10:00 a.m. Special Meeting - Audio at 2:08-9:30 Proposed Resolution Proclaiming September 19-25, 2011 as Prostate Cancer Awareness Week www.co.curry.or.us/commissioners/audio/090911SPM.wma

Wednesday, September 7, 2011 10:00 a.m. General Meeting Audio at 18:45-21:26
Proposal to establish a county-wide Social Host Ordinance

Wednesday, August 17, 2011 10:00 a.m. General Meeting Audio www.co.curry.or.us/commissioners/audio/081711GM.wma

Monday, July 18, 201110:00a.m. Reg. Meeting Audio www.co.curry.or.us/commissioners/audio/071811GM.wma

Buggy Whips and Ghost Towns


Buggy Whips and Ghost Towns

There's no future in time travel. However, if we could travel forward, this is a photo of what Chetco Avenue might look like at high noon circa 2025.

The Pilot might editorialize something like "Do you remember the good old days before Brookings became a ghost town?"

We danced and sang as the music played in the Hideaway. There were no jobs to be found in this county because we hung our hat, not on buggy whips which people actually produced, but on natural resources like timber and fishing, that only nature produces and we harvest. When they went into decline, whether we accepted global warming which helped basteria grow that we never had before in the area, and we wiped out our future, the people of Curry County refused to increase revenue to come in line with other Oregon counties, and tried to get the US government to pay our way, while claiming, at the same time, the US government is too big and I don't want to pay them taxes either.

Total irresponsibility. You'd think our "business men sans commissioners" would take a new business approach. But, alas, that would take thinking outside the box. One of our commissioners even worked for a company that advertised "Think outside the bun" but I guess it didn't rub off.

Poor Curry County. It claims that it is helpless since so much of the county is government land. Yet, the part of the county that isn't has about 32 people per acre and can't seem to survive but doesn't want to change laws the use that land more efficiently. Little Rhode Island seems to do okay with over 300 people per acre.

Come on commissioners, come on residents. Curry County, the state of Oregon and the US govenment doesn't owe you a free life. Take responsibility.

I realize Greed, and might I say Christian Greed plays a big part in all of this. Other people are paying for your survival.

Things to cut. Repair on any road that doesn't get more than 500 trips a week on it.

Cut Homeland Security from the responsibillity of tracking down companies that play copyrighted content over the internet. Have the companies whos product is being played search them out and sue them.

Stop spending US taxes on charity organizations to do their charity work. Have it come from their own hearts and pockets, not ours.