New Battleground Poll Shows Voters Seek Leaders Who Will Challenge Corporate Corruption In Washington DC

We are asking Congress to end corporate influence over our democracy. More than 450,000 other members agree.

A poll of 9,600 battleground race likely voters conducted by Survey USA between August 3-5, 2010 demonstrates that in November, voters are far more likely to support candidates who seek clear and tangible solutions to restore power in Washington DC to individual Americans.

The poll of 18 House and 4 Senate races shows clearly that frustration among voters is, at least in large part, due to the pervasive influence of corporations and their lobbyists over our electoral and legislative processes. A majority of voters believe addressing economic woes requires taking on corporate lobbyists -- and most voters support overturning Citizens United, making elections fair, and curbing lobbyist influence in DC as solutions.

Finally, the poll demonstrates that anxiety about corporate influence over our government compounds existing economic concern. A clear majority of those polled (57% total, including 54% of Independents) believe that making the economy work for ordinary Americans also requires taking on corporate lobbyists.

  • An overwhelming 79% of voters polled, including 72% of Republicans and 75% of Independents, believe that it’s important that a candidate commit to reducing the influence of corporations over elections, with 56% overall saying it is very important.
  • Almost two out of three voters (60%) disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizens United case. Sixty-seven percent of those would be more likely to support a candidate who backs a constitutional amendment to overturn the decision.
  • 65% of voters would be more likely to support a candidate for Congress who wants to reward candidates who get more small donations from inside their district and fewer big donations from outsiders, including 61% of Republicans and 67% of Independents.
  • Seventy-three percent of voters overall, including 67% of Republicans and 71% of Independents, are more likely to support a candidate for Congress who works to reduce the influence of corporate lobbyists in Washington.
  • Seventy-seven percent of voters overall (including 70% of Republicans and 73% of Independents), view corporate election spending as an attempt to bribe politicians rather than an expression of free speech that should not be limited.

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