

Studies have shown that a great many minors drink without their parent's knowledge. The generation gap of knowledge and the magnitude and the seriousness of the growing alcohol problem in high schools and middle schools across the country needs to be addressed.

Many people don't believe there is a problem with alcohol in their community. Since the public doesn't often see the impact alcohol has on our youth, we wanted these graduating students to address the subject from their perspective. We felt that it was time they were given a platform with the hope that the community will take time to listen and act.

Our hope is to encourage the legal system (legislators, county commissioners, city board of supervisors, state, county and local police and judges) to take a "No tolerance" stance. This not only includes establishing tough laws and ordinances concerning alcohol use but to encourage the legal system to dole out serious consequences to retailers, adults and minors who violate these laws.

To get the students involved in alcohol awareness and to let the community see the issue from their perspective, we developed an essay contest. Brookings-Harbor (OR) High School seniors were asked to write a non-fiction essay, anonymously or giving their name, on the subject of the impact alcohol has had on their lives for April, 2008, which is Alcohol Awareness Month. The results of this the Through My Eyes Essay Contest on alcohol follow.