Congress has three major accomplishments - the economic stimulus and landmark health care and financial reforms. But the GOP (Grand Opposition Party) has blocked about everything else. 29 miners died in West Virginia and people are dying of contaminated foods as they block safety measures.

Take a look at the GOP's "Pledge to con America".

Concentrate on jobs though their track record over the last 65 years has been dismal.

Repeal (not adjust) the health care law so that 2.4 million children who just got on it get kicked off and another 46 million people would never get a chance to get on.

They rail against government spending for the least privileged as they tried to block programs for small business and the extension of unemployment benefits for those looking for work while they propose to lavish a $2.3 trillion stimulus package in tax cuts over 10 years favoring the most privileged.

They claim continuing the tax cut for individuals clearing over $200,000 would add jobs. If that were true, how come the tax cut they are enjoying now isn't producing jobs? See the answer at

Freeze hires everywhere including health and human services and public safety but no freezes for the War Department.

A vote for the GOP is a vote for No-Progress and continued gridlock in Congress as well as a return to Bush era economic policies that got us in the mess in the first place. That's something they really hope we forget. - Gordon Clay